

OWLS: Older, Wiser Lutheran Seniors, get together once a month for social interaction, laughs, lunch and card playing, etc.  They meet monthly for lunch at Roman Café in N. Tonawanda at 12:15 pm.  Everyone is welcome!

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry of St. Mark (WOSM) : Women of all ages meet on the first Thursday of March-December to share fellowship and God’s word.  An annual Candy Cane Fair in November is the group’s fundraiser. 

Dorcas Quilters & Stitchers

Our quilters enjoy meeting each Thursday at 10:30am (except during the period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day).   You are invited to join us at any time to help ‘sandwich’ quilts, ‘pin’ quilts before sewing, sewing the bindings, or even tying to complete them.  No experience necessary!

Historical Society

St. Mark is proud of its heritage and works to preserve artifacts relation to the church and school so that those who come after us may know the many blessings we have received.

Basketball Leagues

Adult men & women meet once a week during the winter months for fun, fellowship and exercise.

Book Club

Our next book club meeting will be late summer/early fall. Contact Pastor Keating for more information.